I have done it again, I haven't been really successful in deploying any of my stack switches. I always had problems with firmware and adding new switch you name it. Today I had a switch which was auto upgrading as I added it into an existing stack and I had to pull the plug; the reason was because it drop my last switch on the stack. I went into panic mode and just pull the plug.
I did some research and noticed that I could just copy the firmware onto a USB stick and boot the .bin file from USB but that failed. Good thing there was a management port behind the switch to initial emergency-install.
Booting...Initializing and Testing RAM ++++@@@@####...################################++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@done.
Memory Test Pass!
Base ethernet MAC Address: 0c:f5:a4:1d:4e:80
Interface GE 0 link down***ERROR: PHY link is down
Initializing Flash...
flashfs[7]: 0 files, 1 directories
flashfs[7]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[7]: Total bytes: 6784000
flashfs[7]: Bytes used: 1024
flashfs[7]: Bytes available: 6782976
flashfs[7]: flashfs fsck took 2 seconds....done Initializing Flash.
Getting rest of image
Reading full image into memory....done
Reading full base package into memory...: done = 82665136
Image failed verification, cannot boot this image
flash:packages.conf: bad/non-bootable Nova bundle file
Error loading "flash:packages.conf"
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Getting rest of image
Reading full image into memory....done
Reading full base package into memory...: done = 82665136
Image failed verification, cannot boot this image
flash:/packages.conf: bad/non-bootable Nova bundle file
Error loading "flash:/packages.conf"
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
The system is unable to boot automatically. The
BOOT environment variable needs to be set to a
bootable image.
switch: flash_init
Initializing Flash...
...The flash is already initialized.
switch: dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
7745 drwx 4096 .
2 drwx 4096 ..
7746 -rwx 2097152 nvram_config
7747 -rwx 74369716 cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7748 -rwx 5808828 cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7749 -rwx 32496484 cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7750 -rwx 30418104 cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.150-1.EX3.pkg
7751 -rwx 16059104 cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7752 -rwx 64586444 cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA.
7753 -rw- 1244 packages.conf
7754 -rwx 796 vlan.dat
7755 -rw- 82665136 cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7756 -rw- 33784816 cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7757 -rw- 27417488 cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7758 -rw- 43021636 cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E4.pkg
7759 -rw- 111180608 cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA.
7760 -rw- 4913852 cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
1393414144 bytes available (254480384 bytes used)
switch: boot flash:cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E4.pkg
flash:cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E4.pkg: bad/non-bootable Nova bundle file
Error loading "flash:cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E4.pkg"
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
switch: boot usbflash0:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.05.E.152-2.E5.bin
usbflash0:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.05.E.152-2.E5.bin: no such device
usbflash0:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.05.E.152-2.E5.bin: no such device
Error loading "usbflash0:cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.06.05.E.152-2.E5.bin"
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
switch: dir
List of filesystems currently registered:
xmodem[0]: (read-only)
null[1]: (read-write)
bs[3]: (read-only)
flash[18]: (read-only)
tftp[19]: (read-write)
switch: show boot
Unknown cmd: show
switch: cp flash:packages.conf flash:packages.conf.badop
Unknown cmd: cp
switch: dir usb
unable to stat usb/: no such device
switch: dir ?
unable to stat ?/: no such device
switch: dir
List of filesystems currently registered:
xmodem[0]: (read-only)
null[1]: (read-write)
bs[3]: (read-only)
flash[18]: (read-only)
tftp[19]: (read-write)
switch: dir flashusb
unable to stat flashusb/: no such device
switch dir flash
Unknown cmd:
switch: dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
7745 drwx 4096 .
2 drwx 4096 ..
7746 -rwx 2097152 nvram_config
7747 -rwx 74369716 cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7748 -rwx 5808828 cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7749 -rwx 32496484 cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7750 -rwx 30418104 cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.150-1.EX3.pkg
7751 -rwx 16059104 cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.02.03.SE.pkg
7752 -rwx 64586444 cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA.
7753 -rw- 1244 packages.conf
7754 -rwx 796 vlan.dat
7755 -rw- 82665136 cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7756 -rw- 33784816 cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7757 -rw- 27417488 cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
7758 -rw- 43021636 cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E4.pkg
7759 -rw- 111180608 cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA.
7760 -rw- 4913852 cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.06.04.E.pkg
1393414144 bytes available (254480384 bytes used)
switch: ?
? -- Present list of available commands
arp -- Show arp table or arp-resolve an address
boot -- Load and boot an executable image
cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
copy -- Copy a file
delete -- Delete file(s)
dir -- List files in directories
emergency-install -- Initiate Disaster Recovery
flash_init -- Initialize filesystem(s)
format -- Format a filesystem
fsck -- Check filesystem consistency
help -- Present list of available commands
mgmt_init -- initialize management port
mkdir -- Create dir(s)
more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)
ping -- Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host
rename -- Rename a file
reset -- Reset the system
rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)
set -- Set or display environment variables
set_bs -- Set attributes on a boot sector filesystem
set_param -- Set system parameters in flash
type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
unset -- Unset one or more environment variables
version -- Display boot loader version
switch: format ?
Unknown filesystem "?"
switch: format
usage: format <filesystem>
switch: copy flash:packagesconf flash:packages.conf.bad
flash:package.conf: no such file or directory
switch: copy flash:packages.conf flash:packages.bad
flash:packages.bad: read only file system
switch: version
Compiled Tue Mar 19 14:29:45 PDT 2013 by rel
switch: ?
? -- Present list of available commands
arp -- Show arp table or arp-resolve an address
boot -- Load and boot an executable image
cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
copy -- Copy a file
delete -- Delete file(s)
dir -- List files in directories
emergency-install -- Initiate Disaster Recovery
flash_init -- Initialize filesystem(s)
format -- Format a filesystem
fsck -- Check filesystem consistency
help -- Present list of available commands
mgmt_init -- initialize management port
mkdir -- Create dir(s)
more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)
ping -- Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host
rename -- Rename a file
reset -- Reset the system
rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)
set -- Set or display environment variables
set_bs -- Set attributes on a boot sector filesystem
set_param -- Set system parameters in flash
type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
unset -- Unset one or more environment variables
version -- Display boot loader version
switch: del flash:packages.conf
Are you sure you want to delete "flash:packages.conf" (y/n)?y
File "flash:packages.conf" not deleted -- read only file system
switch: set IP_ADDR
switch: set DEFAULT_ROUTER
switch: ping
ping with 32 bytes of data ...
Up 1000 Mbps Full duplex (port 0) (SGMII)
Request timed out.
Host is alive.
switch: dir sda9:
Directory of sda9:/
2 drwx 1024 .
2 drwx 1024 ..
11 -rwx 18920900 cat3k_caa-recovery.bin
36941824 bytes available (20828160 bytes used)
switch: emergency-install tftp://
Unknown cmd: emerency-install
switch: emergency-install tftp://
The bootflash will be erased during install operation, continue (y/n)?y
Starting emergency recovery (tftp://
Reading full image into memory......................done
Nova Bundle Image
Kernel Address : 0x67c0f5d8
Kernel Size : 0x31794f/3242319
Initramfs Address : 0x67f26f28
Initramfs Size : 0xdbec9d/14412957
Compression Format: .mzip
Bootable image at @ ram:0x67c0f5d8
Bootable image segment 0 address range [0x81100000, 0x81b80000] is in range [0x80180000, 0x90000000].
File "sda9:cat3k_caa-recovery.bin" uncompressed and installed, entry point: 0x811060f0
Loading Linux kernel with entry point 0x811060f0 ...
Bootloader: Done loading app on core_mask: 0xf
### Launching Linux Kernel (flags = 0x5)
hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -32
usb 2-1: device not accepting address 4, error -32
usb 2-1: device not accepting address 5, error -32
hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
Initiating Emergency Installation of bundle tftp://
Downloading bundle tftp://
Validating bundle tftp://
Installing bundle tftp://
Verifying bundle tftp://
Package cat3k_caa-base.SPA.03.06.05E.pkg is Digitally Signed
Package cat3k_caa-drivers.SPA.03.06.05E.pkg is Digitally Signed
Package cat3k_caa-infra.SPA.03.06.05E.pkg is Digitally Signed
Package cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SPA.152-2.E5.pkg is Digitally Signed
Package cat3k_caa-platform.SPA.03.06.05E.pkg is Digitally Signed
Package cat3k_caa-wcm.SPA. is Digitally Signed
Preparing flash....
Syncing device....
Emergency Install successful... Rebooting
Restarting system.
Booting...Initializing and Testing RAM ++++@@@@####...################################++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@++@@done.
Memory Test Pass!
Base ethernet MAC Address: 0c:f5:a4:1d:4e:80
Initializing Flash...
flashfs[7]: 0 files, 1 directories
flashfs[7]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[7]: Total bytes: 6784000
flashfs[7]: Bytes used: 1024
flashfs[7]: Bytes available: 6782976
flashfs[7]: flashfs fsck took 1 seconds....done Initializing Flash.
Getting rest of image
Reading full image into memory....done
Reading full base package into memory...: done = 83297376
Nova Bundle Image
Kernel Address : 0x6042d34c
Kernel Size : 0x41884e/4294734
Initramfs Address : 0x60845b9c
Initramfs Size : 0xe778c3/15169731
Compression Format: .mzip
Bootable image at @ ram:0x6042d34c
Bootable image segment 0 address range [0x81100000, 0x82140000] is in range [0x80180000, 0x90000000].
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@boot_system: 380
Loading Linux kernel with entry point 0x8166a600 ...
Bootloader: Done loading app on core_mask: 0xf
### Launching Linux Kernel (flags = 0x5)
All packages are Digitally Signed
Starting System Services
FIPS(NGWC): Flash Key Check : Begin
FIPS(NGWC): Flash Key Check : End, Not Found, FIPS Mode Not Enabled
MCU type = 0 and image name is main_mcu_ucode_bundle_6_2_0.tar
Final tar file: main_mcu_ucode_bundle_6_2_0.tar
Front-end Microcode IMG MGR: found 4 microcode images for 1 device.
Image for front-end 0: /tmp/microcode_update/front_end/fe_type_6_0
Image for front-end 0: /tmp/microcode_update/front_end/fe_type_6_1
Image for front-end 0: /tmp/microcode_update/front_end/fe_type_6_2
Image for front-end 0: /tmp/microcode_update/front_end/fe_type_6_3
Front-end Microcode IMG MGR: Preparing to program device microcode...
Front-end Microcode IMG MGR: Preparing to program device[0]...594412 bytes.
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Couple notes:
ReplyDelete#1. You did it wrong - for bundle mode, you boot the bin file, not the pkg file. Then, you do software expand running switch 1 to flash: to convert back to install mode. It requires another reload, but still quicker than tftp.
#2. You're lucky you did it wrong - emergency-install usually works. Bundle mode, which is supposed to work, often doesn't.
#3. Don't buy 3850 switches. As you are finding, they are nothing but trouble.