What Steven says:

Back with another noise cancelling headphone review. For those who are unaware, I purchase my first NC headset around this time last year, the Sony MDR-1RNC MK2. Prior to buying the Sony the foe that I compare it with was the Bose QC15. I must say the Sony was definitely a good kill. I am not one audiophile however I could hear the rich quality in sound re-production when the NC feature was enabled, absolute premium.
If you have read my review on the Sony I did mentioned that the NC feature has no capacity to cancel all of the noise produced by any aircraft engine nor did it silence all the noisy fans when I worked in a data centre. With my research I have always known that the Bose QC was the better unit in NC however noise re-production wasn’t the best. Therefore at the back of my mind I always wondered if the Bose QC would do a better join in cancelling noise.
Approximately 3 weeks ago I bought the new Bose QC25. Brand new 2014 model which some feature upgrades. The only new feature that I cared about was that the headphone were still operational when the battery is flat. The QC25 still uses a single AAA battery for power compare to the recharge-able NON interchange-able battery of the Sony.

My previous post pointed out that 2 key points which I made a decision to buy the Sony was:
  1. The phone would still work when the batteries are flat! – QC25 resolve this
  2. It looks better than the Bose =) – QC25 resolve this as well.
I recently got a new job and at this new place they have an active data centre with a few racks of EMC storage, Cisco 6K and 4K and Dell servers. What I am trying to say here is there are a lot of noisy fan for me to test how well Bose noise cancelling feature is.
In a nut shell I would like to answer the same questions that I posted previously from the Sony review:
Did my purchase meet my requirements? SAME RESULT! EPIC FAIL.
Did my purchase helped? SAME ANSWER
Would purchasing another brand of noise cancelling meet my requirements? After testing two quality brand sadly the answer is NO!

The one thing I noticed about wearing the Sony NC headphone was that no matter how comfortable the cushion over the ear was; I wouldn't be able to wear the headphone over extended hours (2-3 hours). I could feel that the weight of the Sony was heavy therefore I need to take a break intermittently.
--note\\: this is just my personal experience. The sony weigh in at 330 grams where as the Bose QC25 comes in less than 200 grams. The weigh between the two units are noticeably different!.

In conclusion the main reason which made me decide to make this purchase was the WEIGH difference!
  1. Weight – QC25 WINS
  2. Noise Cancelling feature – Tie
  3. Audio Playback Quality with NC – MDR-1RNC wins marginally.
  4. Audio Playback Quality without NC – MDR-1RNC LANDSLIDE WINS!
  5. Battery – MDR-1RNC WINS
  6. Design – Tie
  7. Carrying Case – QC WINS
The Bose QC25 only comes with 1 cable with audio control and microphone; I believe that this cable is a proprietary Bose cable that only plugs into the QC25 at the headset end. Where as the Sony comes with a few different quality 3.5mm audio cable and length selection. Both headphone comes with aircraft jack adaptor as standard.
I hope that this review have assisted or provided you with more information prior to making your purchase.


Burger addict that can't say no to fries. Weighted in at 105kg once upon a time and love Japan a lot.

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