WTF Dyson! Seriously?

As you might have read I currently own two different vacuum cleaner from the Dyson range, the traditional barrel and the new hand stick. I must admit that I am quite fond of the Dyson product line but not that committed to be a fanboy status yet (at least I don't own any other Dyson products apart from their vacuum cleaners). I am not that technical to adore the mechanical side of the product however I do love the design and colour combination.

From my perspective Dyson's advertisement has always been focus on how Sir James Dyson re-invented the moving gears and shrink it inside the ball to increase manoeuvrability.

Better yet the re-invented design is guaranteed to never lose suction. HEPA filter was another selling point, using this vacuum cleaner gave customers the idea that owning a Dyson can/will improve the well-being of your asthmatic child at home. I am not a scientist nor interested to prove that this is true or not but considering there is a bit population in Australia with asthma this is already a key selling point.

Recently since I purchased the handstick and find out that the head attachment ARE NOT interchange-able between the barrel series and the handstick series. This is a big WTF in my opinion; I also believe this is one of those case where you would never need to interchange the head accessories but the fact that it can't be done makes people annoyed; especially me!

Make sure you use the Dyson website to find out what your model supports before deciding which accessory you want to buy.


Burger addict that can't say no to fries. Weighted in at 105kg once upon a time and love Japan a lot.

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